Lake Charlene Homeowners Association

Green Light a Veteran!

The national Green Light a Veteran campaign is just a few years old, and more than 9 million households nationwide have already participated. Lake Charlene especially appreciates our veterans and active duty service men and women, and their families --- who also serve with great sacrifice. You will see many flags in our neighborhood and, increasingly, green lights.


America’s veterans are some of our nation’s bravest, hardest-working men and women. However, it’s hard to show them the appreciation they deserve when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever. "Greenlight A Vet" is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans and military by changing one light to green.

Change one light in a visible location in your home and office to green, and keep it glowing every day as a symbol of support and appreciation for our veterans.

The standard base 120 volt green light bulbs are available at Lowes, Home Depot, and Walmart, especially before Veterans Day and during the Christmas season. Please get one for your home soon. Make Lake Charlene more and more a place that gives our veterans the place they deserve!

Visit to post your new green light, and see a national map with all such individual lights.

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Posted by Steven Frakes on 07/21/2017
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