Lake Charlene Homeowners Association

Utilites and Services

Lake Charlene has underground service for electricity, natural gas, cable, phone, optical fiber, and water. This helps to prevent outages due to wind and beautifies our neighborhood. But things still can go wrong. Here are some important numbers -- let's use them to maintain the services we all need.

Potholes in roadways:      937-2120
               - the county roads department is committed to repairing potholes soon after report

Sheriff's dispatch:             436-9620 dispatch
                                         436-9630 general inquiries
               - dispatch is faster than 911 for crimes in progress or suspicious activity

Fire or medical:                 911

Streetlight outage:            FPL Northwest


Mon. to Fri., 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
Sat., 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

electrical outage:              800-487-6937

suspected gas leak:         474-5300 (Pensacola Energy, City of Pensacola)

water leaks:                      476-0480 (ECUA)
                                         476-5110 after hours

trash pick-up:                   476-0480 (ECUA, large items or boxes)

cable outage:                   478-0200

ATT outage:                      800-288-2020

Posted by Steven Frakes on 08/28/2017
Last updated by CJHamblen on 08/22/2024
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Pensacola, Florida 32506